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Blog 2

Investigate a topic using various tools in Voyant

After (re)reading the first blog posts of students in the course, identify a question for which you can find answers in Hilltops (the Hartwick student newspaper) using the various tools available with Voyant. Search for one or more keywords, generate a visualization or two, export a link or image of the visualization, and include it in your blog post. Most importantly, explain what you think the visualization means. You have access to the full text of Hilltops from 1928 to 1996, so you can search for excerpts from the newspaper as evidence of what the visualizations show us.

Feel free to also comment on Voyant as a tool for exploring a large collection of texts. Of course, it does allow you easy access to a large corpus of documents, but does it have any limitations? Do you have any reservations about using its tools?

For this blog entry, write at least 250 words where you explore a topic with Voyant. You do not have to use a Creative Commons-licensed image: instead, insert an image of a visualization you find interesting.

You must post a complete blog entry by 9:00 PM September 5 (this gives me and the rest of the class time to read it). Please see the Grading Rubrics for an explanation of how I will evaluate this and all your blog posts. You must also post comments on two of your classmates' posts before coming to class. You should be able to do this after 9:00 PM September 5 (if not sooner). You will be able to find your classmates' blogs in the Blogroll on this website.

I will record grades here.
